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Sunday, May 24, 2020

What Connections Help Build Community Around Your Brand - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

What Connections Help Build Community Around Your Brand - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career It’s no secret that in the workplace, communication plays a major role in the productivity of the workforce. Where people are able to communicate and share thoughts and ideas freely, the quality of results increases significantly. You need to foster that sort of communication with people outside the workplace. The magic lies in diversifying the networks of people you interact with so that you are able to garner new perspectives that help your brand. What connections mean to the brand So far, you have realized the need for making connections, identified and helped team members learn how to make connections, and embarked on the journey. Now, you need to understand why the whole process is important to your brand. Through personal interactions, a rapport is built based on common values and ideas shared between the two (or more) parties. Through this understanding, collaboration is much easier, which leads to innovation. As a brand, you want to keep growing and pushing your limits. By leveraging the knowledge others bring to the table, you are in a better position to make great strides in the work you do. Information flows easy where good relationships are present.  [tweet this] This is not only seen internally within the brand but also externally. Constantly keeping in touch with your connections allows you to stay updated on the latest happenings in the world around you. In this way, your brand is able to take advantage of the opportunities to become better. Connections, in a larger sense, don’t have to be between peers only. Valuable connections can be vendors and suppliers, customers, startup businesses and industry leaders. The designation of the connection does not matter. It’s really about fostering a good relationship between the parties involved. A good relationship with a vendor can mean faster delivery of supplies and better rates. It can also mean advanced knowledge and information about new businesses or opportunities. Great customer relationships means the customer is more likely to share the good word about your business with their close networks. Helping out a startup provides you an opportunity to mentor others, and your brand becomes a valuable resource. Industry leaders will help you navigate the connections as your brand grows, and possess invaluable knowledge. There is a lot to gain by fostering connections, and not just with peers. Connections that help build community around your brand As human beings, we all have a need to belong. That feeling one gets from being able to associate and collaborate with others is one that makes us unique. As a brand, you want to build a community around the values, ideas and products that you possess. Making the right connections helps you achieve that. Making connections that translate to a community that loves and appreciates your brand is more about shifting away from the hard sell (constant advertising) to making genuine connections. This has to be translated across all forms of communication you employ with the brand. The audience out there is looking for engagement, and opportunities to create meaningful relationships await. You just need to take the time to understand their needs and how you can contribute. Encourage interactions both within and outside the brand. Some of the best decisions and relationships come from the impromptu meetings people have in hallways and cafeterias. Where people have a chance to interact freely and share ideas, they are more likely to find common ground and build on the relationship. And that works greatly in your favor, as the networks your team members foster becomes part of the larger brand community. It’s also important for each of your team members to know the five things they need to stop doing to create great connections in 2015. Please share your thoughts below.

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