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Thursday, July 30, 2020

How To Write A Business Plan

Step by step instructions to Write A Business Plan Step by step instructions to Write A Business PlanPosted September 5, 2019, by EleshaA extraordinary marketable strategy could be the way to transforming your innovative dreams into genuine business success!A business plan can assist you with making sure about fund, get clear on your vision, manage your business travel and assess openings. How about we investigate what a field-tested strategy is, the conventional versus lean choice and how to compose one.What Is A Business Plan?A field-tested strategy is an archive that subtleties the open door for your item or administration, a layout of your organization, advertise examination, key monetary subtleties and activity plan. It traces the methodology on how you intend to get from where your business is today to where you need your business to be in three to quite a while from now - more noteworthy productivity and expanded resources, etc.A field-tested strategy assumes an essential job in persuading banks, speculators and different supp orters to subsidize you to develop your business and sets out the budgetary objectives, projections and spread financing requirements.Aside from making sure about subsidizing, your arrangement is a significant instrument you'll normally reference to - Prioritise business exercises and concoct new ideasHelp distinguish and amplify opportunities A strong marketable strategy is your apparatus to explore the high points and low points of propelling and growing a business. It will keep you on target and if it's sufficient, persuade speculators to subsidize your plans.Do I Need A Business Plan?Every business needs an arrangement yet the inquiry is - which one is the best fit for you? A conventional arrangement or a more slender, a couple of page plan?Traditional versus lean business planTraditional field-tested strategies are progressively nitty gritty as a rule take longer and require more exploration to finish. They anticipate three to five years into the future and diagram all the s ubtleties that can add to the accomplishment of the business.On the other hand, a lean arrangement is generally just a page or two which requires less an ideal opportunity to assemble and may just extend a year ahead. It may be short, yet it despite everything needs to impart the fate of the business in an unmistakable, articulate manner.How To Write A Business PlanReady to begin on your strategy? How about we plunge into the components you'll have to incorporate and 3 hints for composing an extraordinary business plan.Tip #1 - Watch the length (truly, in any event, for customary plans)You would prefer not to go over the top with content in light of the fact that a) you really need individuals to understand it (100 pages? Nobody possesses energy for that) and b) it's proposed to be an instrument you'll allude to often. Because you'll utilize the arrangement to run and develop your business, it should be sufficiently short to refine and modify varying. A beast plan is probably going to be pushed into a work area cabinet and never referenced again. Tip #2 - Don't perspire the detailsWriting a marketable strategy may feel overpowering yet it shouldn't be. Try not to become involved with making it great - you may even need to begin with a lean one-page plan and manufacture an increasingly definite strategy later on. Tip #3 - Know your audienceWho will peruse your marketable strategy - a bank or possible financial specialists? You'll have to tailor it as per the crowd - like you would tailor a request for employment for a particular job. Do your exploration and see how your financial specialists work, their past venture choices and be sure about the cooperative energy with your business opportunity. What You'll Need To Include In Your Business PlanExecutive summaryAn diagram of your business and plan, the official synopsis starts things out - albeit most entrepreneurs compose it after they've finished the arrangement. Hold it to a couple pages. Outline the oppor tunityHere's the place you answer the inquiry - how does the item or administration you are selling illuminate a need in the market? Blueprint your objective market and competition. How will you execute your plan?This area covers how you intend to develop the business and ought to incorporate an advertising and deals plan, KPIs, methodology and milestones. Company structureHow will your supervisory group and other staff be organized? Who will you have to employ? On the off chance that your business is as of now ready for action, you can incorporate a concise diagram of your present group, history and legitimate structure. Financial planA significant piece of your marketable strategy! You'll have to incorporate a business figure, costs spending plan, income proclamation, monetary record, and a benefit and misfortune statement.Supporting documentationThis is the reference section where you can incorporate any extra data applicable to your arrangements, similar to item pictures, tena nt contracts, licenses, allows, licenses and trademark documentation and advertising materials. A Lean Business Plan Opting for the lean methodology? Composing a one-page plan is likewise a helpful exercise since it constrains you to come to the heart of the matter of what you're doing and think basically about your business. Follow a similar structure for the conventional field-tested strategy secured above but simply compose 2 to 3 sentences about each point. Starting your business is an energizing (and alarming!) time. In the event that you've chosen to take the jump, make a point to look at The Ultimate Guide To Starting Your Own Business. 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Thursday, July 23, 2020

Ways Candidates Annoy Recruiters - Workology

Ways Candidates Annoy Recruiters - Workology Ways Candidates Annoy Recruiters Yes, we’ve all seen this topic before but this post will have a tad different spin….I’m bringing this up because spring is around the corner and graduates will soon be sending me inflated resumes along with their egos. 22 page resumes. Oh, they exist, and they are a nightmare. DO NOT send me even a 10 page resume. I will not look at it. 2-3 pages are okay with me, maybe 4 if you have 15+ years of experience. This applies to contractors as well. Think of a funnel…the summary should be broad enough to strike my interest in reading more details about you. Here’s what I want to see on a technical resume and in this order: • A 2-4 sentence summary of who you are, where you’ve been, what you’ve done, and why I should continue reading (ideally this is your passion) • Technical skills broken out by languages, middleware, platforms, databases, etc. • Your actual work experience. Do not use fancy fonts, lots of bold, borders etc. It’s a nuisance to read. Simple and clean: Job title, Company, Location, Years/Months there, and then a few bullets telling me what you accomplished. I DO NOT need a Hoovers company snapshot or what the project was about (if you’re a contractor). • Education Training. If you’re a graduate with no practical experience, put this under the summary. Seems self-explanatory but here it is: Degree, School, Location DO NOT pay a resume service to do your resume. You are paying for someone to “gussy” it up, and I’ll just tear it down by getting beyond the fancy words and formatting. Remember, simple and clean. Simple interviewing basics. It’s the year 2007, almost 2008, and I can’t tell you how many candidates of all levels look great on paper, sound great on the phone, and then meet me in person with dirty fingernails or clothes, ripped jeans or t-shirt, and show up late. Remember this: impression management. It really does matter. Unless you have made arrangements to meet with me under certain conditions, as does happen from time to time, you should ALWAYS show up in a suit. Same goes for when you are actually going to the interview. Think of recruiters as “Directors of First Impressions.” DO NOT ask about salary, telecommuting, flexible hours, etc even on a phone interview. A candidate’s job is to make me want to talk to you. Once that happens, and I think there is a good fit, I’ll present him/her to a client. Then it’s the candidate’s job to make the client want to hire them. Negotiating perks comes later. Make us want you (fancy fonts won’t do it). Fair market value. I love this one, as do many of my recruiter friends. A candidate who has not done their research on their fair market value is one who is a pain to work with. DO NOT use Salary.com to evaluate where you should come in at a new job. There are WAY too many reasons why, but mostly its false inflation. Many candidates do not know that companies usually pay to the 25th percentile of a salary band. Some might pay to the 50th or even 75th, but those are rare indeed. How companies evaluate pay for a position is based on their compensation philosophy which they will never tell you, let alone me for that matter. What you should take into consideration is this: • Cost of living. The coasts pay more because it costs more to live there! This is not rocket science. Don’t expect East Coast rates to apply in the Midwest. • Your passion. Can you put a price on what you love to do? The answer I usually get from candidates is “the money doesn’t matter if I get to do this or that.” • Quality of life. New grads don’t worry so much about this but masters level folks usually do. Do you want to kill yourself working 18 hour days and not have a social life so you can work on the next bleeding edge technology (and make really good money) or would you rather work to live? • Know thyself â€" your needs and wants. I evaluate candidates for self-awareness and it drives me crazy when a candidate cannot describe themselves in three adjectives (some don’t even know what an adjective is). • GPA school reputation. While there is no research that attributes a correlation between GPA/school reputation and work performance, I still get asked by hiring managers for it. Be aware of yours and be prepared to explain discrepancies……which brings me to… Blacklisted. Yes, it exists, and yes it can happen to you IF you lie, withhold information, inflate experience, or misrepresent yourself in any way to an established recruiter. We have technology that manages “bad” candidates, its called Peoplesoft. You might have heard of it? Any other tracking system can do the same. This is often a hush-hush practice in recruiting, but I do believe its time for candidates to realize that its there and its used. Ways Candidates Annoy Recruiters So to close this recruiting rant of ways to annoy recruiters, I hope candidates of all levels take this information to heart and if you have questions, just ask me. I’m happy to help. *** ABOUT THE AUTHOR Yvonne Catino is an Executive Recruiter for Hudson Global Resources in Minneapolis, MN. She has worked with Fortune 500 clients as well as smaller and mid-size organizations for over 20 years. Currently she is finishing up her doctorate in management. (www.ylcatino.com)

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Barnard Resume Writing Tips

Barnard Resume Writing TipsIf you want to make the best impression on your resume, the first step is making use of many key article writing tips from Fair Isaac Corporation. This is a well-known Los Angeles, California based career guidance organization and hiring firm. They have helped thousands of individuals attain jobs and continue to assist with job searching. When you contact the employment support team at this company, they will help you get all the information about a job you want to apply for, including the skills required for that job, job duties, education and experience details, as well as other important aspects.The National Center for Human Resource Development (NCHRD) recently conducted a study regarding the use of materials in the resume and cover letter. Based on this study, the data was shown that the majority of job applicants who make use of these items, even if those items contain vital and important information, do not appear more likely to be hired. In fact, th e majority of individuals who do not use these materials appear to be hired for much less often than applicants who make use of these materials.Barnard resume writing tips and ideas can help you avoid getting fired because of the mistake of not using the correct CV and cover letters. Whether you are applying for a job in the healthcare industry, sales, or other industries, it is important to use CV and cover letters and their material in a way that ensures that they match your personality and career goals. These materials should not only be presented but designed to ensure that the employer gets the information that they need to determine whether or not you are the right candidate for the job.One of the Barnard resume writing tips is to create a resume that can be easily applied to different companies and positions. For example, if you are applying for a job in sales, you would want to prepare Sales resume that features similar experience and skills that are typical of the job. You would not want to put the same information on your application in sales, health care or customer service jobs.In addition to creating your own CV and cover letters, you should also consider hiring a professional resume writer. There are many available companies who offer resume and cover letter services. However, you want to be sure that the professional you hire has experience with healthcare employment positions and have a good reputation for providing excellent work.Barnard resume writing tips also suggest that you find a cover letter that is written to match your resume. For example, if you have information that is typically included on a cover letter, such as educational qualifications and references, then you should expect that your resume will include the same information as well. These are some of the most common Barnard resume writing tips that you can read.Last, when creating your CV and cover letters, you should try to follow the Barnard resume writing tips to maximize th e use of space and to minimize the use of jargon. Although the use of 'the' is a common word in this field, do not use this word too often. In fact, do not use it at all.Barnard resume writing tips are simply tips, not rules. If you want to use these tips to help make your job hunt easier, then you should not hesitate to contact an employment professional.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Uber Interview Questions - Longest Increasing Subarray

Uber Interview Questions - Longest Increasing Subarray This week, Im going to talk about the longest increasing subarray problem. You can find more posts like this at Uber Interview Questions. Also, this question is similar to Subarray With Given Sum. If you have read our previous post, I hope you can solve this problem easily. In this post, Im going to cover topics like “sliding window”, dynamic programming, time/space complexity and so on. Longest Increasing Subarray Given an array, return the length of the longest increasing subarray. For example, if the input is [1, 3, 2, 3, 4, 8, 7, 9], the output should be 5 because the longest increasing array is [1, 2, 3, 4, 8]. This question has been asked by Uber, Facebook recently (as the time of writing this post). Another reason Id like to discuss this problem is that many techniques used in this question can be re-used in other places. Analysis It should be obvious that the most naive approach is to check all subarrays and return the longest increasing subarray. Although this approach doesnt require extra memory, the time complexity would be O(n^2) where n is the length of the array. This apparently is not what interviewers want, but its usually recommended to mention this approach briefly and also clarify that you know this is not optimal. Lets see how we can make it faster. Think about this: if we want to make it faster than O(n^2), common scenarios are O(nlogn), O(n) and O(1). O(1) seems impossible because we should iterate over the array at least once. So O(n) would be the lower bound. If we want to aim at O(nlogn), usually it means we should do something like sort, binary search, and so on. Since we dont want to change the order of the array, sort is not useful. Binary search also seems irrelevant. As a result, O(n) is our target. Sliding Window If you try to solve this problem manually, you may realize that not all subarrays need to be checked. For example, suppose input is [1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6], you start with increasing subarray [1, 2, 3]. However, the next one (2) is smaller than the previous number. In fact, you can ignore everything before 2 and just check from the subarray [2, 4, 5, 6]. If you have read our previous post Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters, the sliding window approach should be quite obvious. In fact, its one of the most common techniques to process an array in linear time. So we can have the following algorithm: We keep two pointers start and end to denote the subarray arr[start: end] If the current array is increasing, which means arr[end] arr[end 1], we can increase the current array by add 1 to end Otherwise, we can ignore everything before pointer end. So just set start = end In the end, just return the longest subarray Its worth to note that checking corner cases in the beginning is very necessary. Although the code is quite concise, its easy to make mistakes about boundaries. Extension Lets change the question a little bit. Instead of getting the longest increasing subarray, how to return the length of longest increasing subsequence? For subsequence, numbers are not necessarily contiguous. If the input is [1, 3, 2, 3, 4, 8, 7, 9], the output should be 5 because the longest increasing subsequence is [2, 3, 4, 8, 9]. Id like leave this question as a homework. But here are some hints: Some people might want to do a brute force, however, youll soon notice that you wont be able to list all possibilities. In this case, usually we should rely on a recursive solution. The key to the recursive solution is to come up with the recursion formula. Memorization can significantly improve the speed, though requires more memory. Check Subarray With Given Sum if you still cant figure this out Summary Array questions are quite common in interviews as it doesnt require any prior knowledge and its one of the best ways to test candidates basic coding skills. I dont think this question is hard to think, but writing bug-free code is not trivial, especially with a time constraint. I would say everyone should try to write down the solution even if youve already read this post. By the way, if you want to have more guidance from experienced interviewers, you can check Gainlo that allows you to have mock interview with engineers from Google, Facebook etc..

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Part-time cover letter template

Part-time cover letter template by Michael Cheary Struggling to find your perfect part-time position?Chances are, it could come down to your cover letter. Especially if you’re guilty of sending the same one every time (or worse, not even sending one at all).Think of it this way: a cover letter is often the first thing a hiring manager looks at, meaning it can be crucial in forming a positive first impression. So spending a few more minutes perfecting this oft-forgotten area of your application can really pay dividends when it comes to your career.Weve already covered how to perfect your part-time CV, but to help maximise your chances to impress, here’s our cover letter template specifically tailored for part-time positions: Part-Time Cover Letter Template Email address: Please enter a valid email addressmessage here By clicking Submit, you accept our Terms & Conditions and consent to receive emails and career related topics. See our Privacy policy for details. Continue without submitting Download Part-Time Cover Letter TemplateOpening the letterAside from the standard letter writing basics (address, hiring manager’s name if you have it), the opening paragraph should be short and to the point.Explain what job it is you’re applying for, and where you found the vacancy. One or two sentences, maximum. Example: I wish to apply for the role of Part-Time EA, currently being advertised on reed.co.uk. Please find enclosed my CV for your consideration. Second paragraph Why are you suitable for the job?Now the formalities are out of the way, it’s time to focus on your sales pitch.Briefly outline any academic qualifications or experience you have which make you a perfect fit for the role. If you’re lacking experience, select soft skills which might help you get the role.Hint: the ones you should include will always be found in the job descr iption. Example: As you can see from my attached CV, I have over six years’ experience in office administration, and I believe the knowledge and skills built up during this time make me the perfect candidate for the role.  Third paragraph â€" Focus on the part-time requirementsYou might choose your cover letter to briefly explain the reason you’re looking for part-time work.It could be that you’re still studying, and looking for something flexible to fit around your schedule. Or you’re raising a family and can’t dedicate yourself to a role full-time.However, whatever the reason you choose to include, always take the opportunity to mention your versatility when it comes to working hours. It might help alleviate any fears an employer may have around your availability, not to mention open up the potential at securing a full-time role â€" if that’s something you’re interested in.Just remember that you’re under no obligation to explain yourself, if it’s something you’ re not quite comfortable with. You won’t necessarily lose marks for being vague. Example: I’m currently studying for my EA Diploma, and looking for a position which will enable me to dedicate more time to my course whilst I build my skills. However, I am extremely flexible, and happy to take on more work outside my contracted hours, wherever possible.Fourth/Fifth paragraph â€" What can you do for the company?Use actual, quantifiable examples to emphasise what you can do for the company.These might be performance based, and could include examples from previous positions, your current job, or even from your academic career.Always make sure you choose tangible examples that are specifically tailored to the role. Backing up your claims, such as ‘Increased revenue by x%’, will be far more desirable to a recruiter than simply stating you ‘Increased revenue’.Other examples include ‘Improved productivity by X%, ‘an increase in students grades by x’ and ‘achieved a first class distinction grade in my dissertation on x’. Example: In my previous role as a full-time Office Administrator at Company Ltd, I was responsible for the reorganisation and recategorisation of the office filing system, as well as implementing a change in stationery supplier â€" which reduced costs in this area by over 20%. Additionally, part of my role involved diary management for the company’s Managing Director, as well as typing up correspondence and meeting minutes, where appropriate.Final paragraph â€" ReiterateFinish off by reiterating your interest in the role, and why you’re the right person for a position.Extra points will be given to any nod you can give when it comes to your research. Example: I am confident that this experience, coupled with the modules I’m currently undertaking as part of my Diploma (including budgeting, business document production and event management), will have an immediate impact on the business and allow me to help Company Ltd build up on their reputation as the biggest supplier of paper and packaging solutions in the UK.Closing the letterFinally, sign off your cover letter by thanking the recruiter for their time. It is also a good opportunity to indicate you’d like to meet with the employer for an interview.Use ‘Yours Sincerely’ (if you know the name of the hiring manager)/’Yours Faithfully’ (if you do not), and your name.Also, use this opportunity to include your contact details â€" just in case your cover letter ends up getting separated from the rest of your CV Example: Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss my application further. Yours sincerely, [Your name] [Your contact details]Final thoughtsRemember: This template is intended to be a guideline. Don’t be tempted to use it as a ready-made cover letter.Without the proper research into the company, and without tailoring it to the role, it will lack the impact that could make all the difference whe n it comes to securing your perfect part-time position.Still searching for your perfect position? Have a look at all of our current vacancies now.